The cases of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu

How well is our understanding of the current status of women in relation to land tenure, land management and access to land in matrilineal societies in the Pacific? The question forms the central objective of this research by Joel Simo, Ana Naupa, Kristina Stege and Ruth Maetala and Dr. Elise Huffer commissioned by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat in 2007.

The researchers attempt to improve our understanding of the roles of women over land in matrilineal societies in two dimensions. One dimension is examining women's role with respect to land. The second dimension is examining the role of women in leadership, including decision-making. Both dimensions are explored in terms of the past and the present thereby allowing for the changes that might have occurred over time to be observed and how those changes impact on women's current status with respect to land and leadership.

Editors: Kristina E. Stege, Ruth Maetala, Anna Naupa, Joel Simo & Elise Huffer
Prepared by: The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
Date: 2008

Copyright © Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat 2008
