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The Federated States of Micronesia Agriculture Policy Bank

In FSM, the agriculture sector has been identified as one of the priority areas for economic development, however, the sector has not been productive and growth has been sluggish and stagnant over the last 20 years.

The agriculture sector provides food, livelihoods and employment for a significant proportion of the population.

Local production needs to remain the core of the food system and the capacity of FSM farmers to trade their produce locally, regionally and internationally needs to be supported and extended.


    This Agriculture Policy, which is the conclusion of a participatory consultative process among a wide range of stakeholders across the four states, provides the basis for action by both public and private sectors to invigorate sustainable agriculture growth in the Federated States of Micronesia. It recognizes the major role played by traditional farming systems and the impact of socio-cultural realities.

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    Work on the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) started late in 2003, as the FSM entered a new phase of its development with the implementation of the amended Compact. While the new fiscal procedures required the FSM to transmit a Strategic Development Plan to the U.S. to provide the framework on which to base the annual requests for the Compact sector grants, the FSM more importantly required a process to identify its development strategy for the new era.

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    In 1995 and 1996 the FSM and four states underwent the first round of Economic Summits and participatory planning process. The Summit process was initiated to achieve broad-based understanding and consensus for reform measures needed to adjust to the changing economic circumstances facing the FSM. Most importantly the FSM was preparing for the large declines in Compact funding resulting from the second step-down. The nation was also beginning to consider the implications of the Compact economic assistance negotiations that were looming on the horizon.

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    The four State Tourism Investment Plans are presented in this Volume 2 Report using the same format and layout to provide the following information: justification for undertaking the Plans; methodology for collecting the information; an overview of tourism development in each State; an outline of each State’s investment policy; an outline of the legislation affecting tourism investment and development in each State; a list of current infrastructure projects; and an action plan that describes the status of each of the identified tourism investment projects.

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    Under Development


    Under Development



    Under Development


    Vanuatu National Livestock Policy 2015 – 2030 "YUMI GO"

    The livestock sector remains a major contributor to the cultural and socio-economical livelihood of Vanuatu. The importance placed on livestock means the sector must be guided by practical development roadmaps and backed by sound policies. The National Livestock Policy recognises the efforts of all stakeholders and sets the platform to guide the whole livestock sector develop in a coherent manner.

    Noting current efforts the Policy also recognises the potential of the sector to become a major contributor to food security and the national economy and it encourages the sector to achieve its full potential possible in the fifteen years when the Policy is in force.

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    Vanuatu National Livestock Sector Policy Action Plan, Monitoring & Evaluation Framework 2015 – 2030 “YUMI GO”

    The National Livestock Sector Policy Action Plan, Monitoring and Evaluation Framework is the implementation matrix for the National Livestock Policy. It highlights the issue and problems and how to go about addressing these in a systematic manner to get the desired outcomes.

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    Solomon Is. National Agriculture and Livestock Sector Policy 2015 - 2019

    The Solomon Islands Agriculture and Livestock Sector Policy 2015-2019 is accommodative and a roadmap for MAL to execute its sustainable development programs effectively and efficiently for the next 5 years. The SIALSP 2015-2019 is aligned to the National Development Strategy (NDS) 2011-2020, the Democratic Coalition for Change Government (DCCG) policy statement 2014-2020, with reference to the MAL Corporate Plan 2015-2019, and various sub-sector policies in its revision.

    Please note that the Policy is still in Draft.

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    Under Development


    Under Development


    Under Development


    Vanuatu Forest Policy 2013 - 2023

    The National Forest Policy sets out clear policy directives for the management of Vanuatu’s forests and forest resources for the 10 years to 2023. This includes presentation of clear policy directives that are supported by implementation strategies, as well as prioritizing implementation of each policy strategy.

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    Fiji Forest Policy Statement 2007

    The formulation of the Fiji Forest Policy is an important step in the continuous development of a National Forest Programme that strives at achieving a consensus of all stakeholders on policies and implementation measures towards conservation and sustainable management of the Nation’s forest resources, aiming at maintaining multiple values for the benefit of present and future generations alike.

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    Timor Leste Forest Policy 2007

    The National Development Plan emphasises a sustainable approach to the development and management of the forest resources of the country. It recognises that forests are important for their biological diversity and that forest conservation is a priority task in forest development planning.

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    Under Development


    Under Development


    Under Development


    Samoa Aquaculture Management and Development Plan 2013-2018

    The Tonga Fisheries Sector Plan (TFSP) is a framework for achieving the overall sector objective of ‘Increasing the sustainable shared benefits for the Kingdom from optimal use of its living marine resources’. It includes four components – Sustainable community fisheries; Profitable commercial fisheries and aquaculture; Public and private investment; Governance and capacity building – and outlines expected results, implementation arrangements and indicative costing.

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    Samoa Tuna Management and Development Plan 2011-2015

    This Aquaculture Management and Development Plan sets out a clear guide for the future expansion of the aquaculture sector in Samoa, and a comprehensive pathway for the Fisheries Division to ensure the long-term sustainability of the activity.

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    Tonga Fisheries Sector Plan 2016-2024

    The Samoa Tuna Development and Management Plan 2011-2015 is the second 5-year plan formulated to direct the development of the tuna longline fishing industry and promotes a sustainable management of the tuna resources. The Plan presents strategies and plans of action to address issues of concerns such as constraints to sustainable development; viable management measures to ensure the stocks of the four main tuna species (albacore, yellowfin, bigeye and skipjack tuna) remain healthy; strengthening capacity and capability of local authorities such as Fisheries personnel; legislative review; and a mechanism to review the Plan when it becomes necessary.

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    Vanuatu Aquaculture Development Plan

    The Vanuatu Aquaculture Development Plan is a five-year strategic plan that represents a significant step in outlining the aquaculture road map for Vanuatu for the near future. It highlights the main components, including research and development, extension, infrastructure, credit and finance facilities, and environmental management.

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    Vanuatu Aquarium Management Plan

    This Plan applies first: to the managed fishery relating to the species of fish, invertebrates, corals (dead or live), giant clams and other related organisms known as marine aquarium products. Second, it applies to all activities under the definition of "fishing" as defined in the Fisheries Act, No. 55 of 2005, including netting, scuba diving, snorkelling, collecting, using cages and traps, storage and handling of caught fish, and transporting live aquarium species.

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    Vanuatu National Coconut Crab Fishery Management Plan

    Coconut crabs were once plentiful throughout much of the tropical Indo-Pacific region, but over-harvesting has resulted in only a few countries now having exploitable stocks. This Management Plan is the outcome of research conducted over the past 20 years, as well as high level consultations undertaken with relevant local communities and stakeholders, for the sustainable management of coconut crabs in Vanuatu.

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    Vanuatu International Fleet Management Policy

    This policy will carry Vanuatu forward to meet the different regional and international fishing arrangements, agreements, treaties, conventions, and commissions to have a sound effective and efficient management of its offshore fisheries resources.

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    Under Development


    Vanuatu National Biosecurity Policy 2016 - 2030

    This policy is the first of its type for Vanuatu since the Department came into existence as the Department of Vanuatu Quarantine and Inspection Services in 1997; in 2013 changing its name to Biosecurity Vanuatu.

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    Under Development


    Under Development


    Under Development

  • Download Other Documents

    Work on the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) started late in 2003, as the FSM entered a new phase of its development with the implementation of the amended Compact. While the new fiscal procedures required the FSM to transmit a Strategic Development Plan to the U.S. to provide the framework on which to base the annual requests for the Compact sector grants, the FSM more importantly required a process to identify its development strategy for the new era.

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    In 1995 and 1996 the FSM and four states underwent the first round of Economic Summits and participatory planning process. The Summit process was initiated to achieve broad-based understanding and consensus for reform measures needed to adjust to the changing economic circumstances facing the FSM. Most importantly the FSM was preparing for the large declines in Compact funding resulting from the second step-down. The nation was also beginning to consider the implications of the Compact economic assistance negotiations that were looming on the horizon.

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    The four State Tourism Investment Plans are presented in this Volume 2 Report using the same format and layout to provide the following information: justification for undertaking the Plans; methodology for collecting the information; an overview of tourism development in each State; an outline of each State’s investment policy; an outline of the legislation affecting tourism investment and development in each State; a list of current infrastructure projects; and an action plan that describes the status of each of the identified tourism investment projects.

    Prepared for publication at SPC’s Suva Regional Office
    Suva, Fiji, 2015

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