Pacific Multi-Country Programming Framework 2012-2017
The FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF) for the Pacific Sub-Region is a five year strategic
program framework covering the period 2013-2017. It details outcomes and outputs in four priority result
areas to which FAO assistance will be focused to address the development challenges and national
priorities in thirteen Pacific Island Countries and one Territory, namely Cook Islands, Fiji, Federated
States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon
Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
The framework establishes four priority areas across the region where FAO assistance will be focused:
1. Evidence-based Policy and Strategic Planning
2. Food and Nutrition Security Resilient to the Impacts of Disasters and Climate Change
3. Value/Supply Chain Efficiency and Market Access
4. Environmental Management and Resilience.
Biosecurity Manual for Handicrafts in the Pacific Islands Region and beyond
The manual have two main objectives: to provide biosecurity officers at national borders with a reference when examining articles, and to enable craftspeople to find all export and import regulations in a single document.
Australia’s agriculture development investments in the Pacific
Prepared by: The Department of Foreign Affairs
Leveraging Private Sector Role for Development
Prepared by: The European Union
FAO Priorities for next Multi-Country Partnership Framework 2018-21
Prepared by: The Food and Agriculture Organisation
Cultivating opportunity: Building a high quality fresh produce supply chain in PNG
Prepared by: The International Finance Corporation
New Zealand Aid Programme and the Private Sector
Prepared by: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
World Bank Group Engagement in Pacific Agriculture
Prepared by: The World Bank
PIT&I Activities
Prepared by: The Pacific Islands Trade and Investment
To support the network in future
and to ensure PAFPNet is focussed on issues of strategic importance of its members, this Strategic Plan was developed at its second stakeholder meeting in December 2009. Members of the network present re-examined the network's original goals and objectives to ensure they remained valid, and identified key objectives and outputs for the network over the next three years (2010 to 2012).
Prepared by: The Pacific Community (SPC) on behalf of the Pacific Agricultural and Forestry Policy Network (PAFPNet)
Date: August 2010
Draft Framework for Action on Food Security in the Pacific
The document outlines the Pacific approach to food security. Its aim is to support Pacific countries to move towards ensuring that their people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food. It brings us closer to our vision of "Healthy Islands" and helps fulfill the "Pacific Plan".
Towards A Food Secure Pacific
Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
(World Food Summit, 2009)
PROJET Pour qu’alimentation rime avec securite dans le Paifique
la sécurité alimentaire. Son objectif est de soutenir les pays du Pacifi que dans leurs efforts pour permettreátous leurs citoyens d’avoir, á tout moment, un accés physique et économique á une nourriture suffi sante, saine et nutritive. Cette démarche nous rapproche de notre concept des « îles-santé » et contribue á la réalisation du « Plan Pacifique »
Pour qu’alimentation rime avec sécurité dans le Pacifique
La sécurité alimentaire existe lorsque tous les êtres humains ont, á tout moment, un accés physique et économique á une nourriture suffi sante, saine et nutritive leur permettant de satisfaire leurs besoins énergétiques et leurs préférences alimentaires pour mener une vie saine et active
(Sommet alimentaire mondial, 2009).
Operational Plan for Sustainable Food Security in Asia and the Pacific
This paper lays out the operational plan of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to help Asia and the Pacific achieve sustainable food security. The operational plan is based on the premise the region's long-term food security is at risk. This is due to the high vulnerability in the global and regional food supply and market systems, projected increases in food demand, sustainability concerns from land and water constraints, and unfolding climate change impacts. ADB recognizes sustainable food security as a crucial element of its long-term strategic framework, Strategy 2020 (ADB 2008a) in freeing Asia from from poverty. The operational plan thus accords priority to achieving sustainable food security in Asia and the Pacific. The goal is to improve the availability of, and access to, adequate and safe food in a sustainable manner, especially for the large number of poor, women, and other vulnerable groups in the region.
Prepared by: The Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Date: December 2009
© 2010 Asian Development Bank
Land Resources Division Strategic Plan 20013-2017 (2014)
LRD’s third strategic plan builds on the experiences and lessons learnt in implementing our earlier plans. Recommendations from the 2012 SPC independent external review and the meetings of Heads of agriculture and Forestry Services (HoaFS) and Ministers of agriculture and Forestry (MoaF), has validated the overall strategic thrust of LRD’s work.
Land Resources Division Strategic Plan 2009-2012 (2008)
This LRD strategic plan had three objectives: improved food and nutritional security; integrated and sustainable agriculture and forestry resource management and development; and improved bio-security and increased trade in agriculture and forestry products. The second and third objectives continued from the previous plan, although the respective outputs were broadened in coverage and deepened in scope. The first was a new objective, brought to the fore by the global soaring food (and fuel) price crisis.
Prepared by: The Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Date: September 2008
Copyright Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) 2008
Design & Layout: SPC Land Resources Division Publications Unit. Nabua, Fiji Islands
Photography: SPC Staff
The Pacific plan was endorsed by Leaders at the Pacific Islands Forum meeting in October 2005. It is a 'living' document ensuring flexibility so that the Vision of the Leaders at the goal of regional integration extend far into the future. This revised version of the Pacific Plan follows decisions taken by Leaders at the Forum meeting in October 2007 where they welcomed the considerable progress made in implementing the Pacific Plan, noted the key challenges that need to be overcome in order to Plan to continue to be effectively implemented, and agreed on a number of key commitments in order to move the Plan forward.
Prepared by: The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
Date: November 2007